Looking Glass
Bem-vindo ao looking-glass da DigitalNet MS.
As informações fornecidas e o suporte deste serviço são feitos da melhor maneira possível. Estes são alguns de nossos roteadores em locais principais da nossa rede.
ABOUT DigitalNet MS
DigitalNet ISP is an MS / eyeball / medium cable based in the city of Campo Grande, capital of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil, we act as an internet and transit provider for other suppliers in the state.
DigitalNet MS operates using the autonomous system AS61588.
We have a selective peering policy requiring a minimum of 500 Mbps of traffic destined to or through your network. We welcome the opportunity to engage in peering with responsible BGP speakers in an effort to improve the experience of all users from our customers.
Both parties must provide a 24/7 contact who can escalate critical issues in a timely fashion.
Interconnections should occur in mutual locations, with a minimal 2x 10G SFP+ Ethernet interfaces, and the interface capacity upgrades should occur in a timely manner to ensure a high end-user quality of experience.